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A Model of Affordability


One of CVCU’s inherent goals is keeping private college education affordable for all. Students pay a monthly rate (or an annual payment at a discounted rate), keeping them unencumbered by student debt -- a national crisis that has now surpassed credit card debt in the United States. In California alone, there are 3.7 million student borrowers who owe a total of $141.9 billion in student debt. In fact, California's students hold approximately one-tenth of the nation's $1.5 trillion student loan debt. Additionally, as Cal Matters noted in its 2019 report, over one-fourth of California's college students are food insecure, and, tragically, an average of 11.2% of students in the CA community college, Cal State, and UC systems are homeless. Our traditional educational institutions are simply not doing enough to protect and provide for the economic, emotional, or physical needs of the next generation. 


CVCU was modeled on a system that is designed to empower students to achieve their educational dreams without being encumbered by the burden of loan debt. Through its unique tutorial methodology, its student-driven modality, and its creative fiscal model, CVCU is able to offer tuition rates that run lower than the average California private college tuition rates and parallel with the average California state college tuition rates (despite the fact that state colleges receive funding and private colleges do not).


According to the US Department of Education, CollegeCalc, Private School Review, and Cal Matters, comparative numbers for these institutions are as follows:


Analysis of Comparative Costs

Average private high school tuition in California: $19K

Average private high school tuition in Chula Vista: $13K

Average private college tuition in California: $39K


CVCU's annual tuition is only $13K a year, which is 1/3 of the cost of CA private colleges! 


CVCU's highly competitive all-inclusive tuition equates to less than $270 a week, which students pay monthly. A student who is paying for his or her own tuition without the support of parents, grandparents, or scholarships will work an average of 16 hours a week on non-class days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) to fully cover tuition and graduate debt-free. Of course, many students have the support of their families who help cover tuition, reducing the hours a student will need to work outside of class. That arrangement is left to the discretion of the family.


CVCU's tuition rate includes not only tuition but also mentorships, internships, student life fees, all GE loaner books, and career placement support (to put that all-inclusive rate in perspective, the average annual cost of textbooks alone at a four-year university is $1,140). Highly motivated students who wish to graduate with their BA or BS degree in three years instead of four can add summer courses to their schedule for an additional fee, saving on their total tuition fees (and graduating in three years instead of four!). CVCU is affordable education for the next generation.


Click the Apply to College tab to begin the application process.


Tuition Calculator and Out-of-State Students 


Many schools charge more (often double!) for out-of-state residents. However, this is the choice of the school; it is not a government mandate. To this end, CVCU offers the same tuition rate to state and out-of-state residents. Additionally, though other universities raise tuition rates during a student's contract, CVCU guarantees the student's tuition rate will stay the same for his or her four-year academic journey. 


To remain unentangled with secular government institutions and to maintain affordability and fiscal responsibility, CVCU does not accept government funding or offer student loans. Instead, students are encouraged to work part-time so that they or their families can pay for their program on a monthly or annual basis. Classes are scheduled two days per week in order to create margin for work, internships, and community engagement. 


It's important to note that private schools in the United States do not receive tax dollars. Though private schools represent the same student base and offer the same educational programming, the government gives tax money only to secular, "public" institutions, not to private or "faith-based" institutions. This is an important distinction, as many students and parents are unaware of the driving factors behind the high cost of private education in the United States. Though other countries offer equal tax representation without discrimination, in the current socio-political climate, American private colleges and universities must work creatively to provide fiscally responsible educational models for the next generation. Despite these hurdles, CVCU is committed to providing affordable, debt-free college education that keeps students unencumbered by the emotional burden of loan debt. 


Fee Exceptions and Distinctions 


Application Fee: $30 (includes intake assessment and personal interview)


Lab Fees: Certain lab courses require additional materials. Students will be charged per course for these fees, and all fees will be listed with the course description (range: $50 to $100).


Administrative Fees: Students pay $1400 a year in administrative fees, which includes student coaches, mentors, administrators, and viability costs such as marketing, student support, building fees, registrar, librarians, and other non-faculty positions. 


Athletic Fees: Athletes pay sports and training fees during the season, with the price depending on the sport. This fee applies whether or not the student earns playing time during games or matches. Sports are added to the CVCU infrastructure as interest arises. If you are interested in a specific sport, please contact us through the web form. 


Early Graduation: Students who wish to graduate on a three-year track instead of four-year track will have an additional fee of $2K - $3K per year for summer courses in place of their fourth-year tuition rate. To graduate early, students must attend summer courses all three years. 


Travel Fees: Students will be responsible for fees incurred by missions trips, field trips, and study-abroad programs.  


Residency Fees: CVCU students are encouraged to live with family, as a healthy family is the cornerstone of a healthy culture (and a healthy college). As Harvard University’s Family Involved Network of Educators study has repeatedly demonstrated, the most accurate predictor of a student’s socio-emotional and academic success from kindergarten to college is an involved parent. At CVCU, we welcome parental involvement; we do not shun it as many institutions of higher education are prone to do. However, for students who are attending CVCU from out of state or out of the country and do not have family in the area, or for students in challenging family environments, students may apply to live with a local Christian family approved by CVCU. Students will pay rent and/or assist the family with chores or tutoring (these agreements will be left at the discretion of the renter and the student and his or her family). 


Dining Fees: There are many restaurants and coffee shops within a 5-minute radius of the CVCU campus, as well as a fish taco truck on the CVCU campus. Students' schedules are intentionally structured with "margin" time for eating well and for developing relationships with other students. CVCU also encourages the consumption of healthy foods and beverages for ideal productivity, mental alertness, and overall health and wellness. 


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