Prof. Frank Kacer
Engineering / Political Science
Professor Frank Kacer was a physicist in the Department of Defense Intelligence Community for over 35 years and a senior systems engineer with SAIC for over 12 years, He holds a B.A. in Physics from Western Washington State University and an M.S. from U.C.L.A. in Engineering/Operations Research. He served as a pastor/elder at Grace Bible Church since its founding in 1990 until 2019.
Professor Kacer has been a Christian worldview activist in the political realm for almost twenty-five years. In addition to authoring over 160 columns and commentaries on biblical politics for Good News Etc, the Christian Examiner, and on-line with the Washington Times “Communities” and Communities Digital News, he has been a frequent guest speaker for local para-church, conservative and political organizations. In addition, he has taught on a wide range of contemporary issues at churches throughout the county and assists in the creation of local church salt and light ministries. As Founder and Executive Director of the Christian Citizenship Council (C3), Frank has also published his “Kacer’s Call” biblical perspective on every California statewide Proposition on the ballot since 2002. He is also the Founder and Executive Director for the Christian Statesman Internship Program (CSIP), a training program to equip Christians of any age to be a “statesmen” in their spheres of influence.
He has served as a leader in grass-roots political activism, candidate recruitment and assessment, precinct operations, and elective as well as appointive political party representation both locally and with state conventions. He also served for seven years on the Board of Directors for the National Center for Law and Policy, and over ten years on the Executive Committee for the San Diego County California Family Council Strategic Forum.
Professor Kacer's latest publication, Christian Fratricide – Why Christians Continue to be Divided Politically, examines the systemic issues the Christian community faces in influencing our nation for the common good and God’s glory, and provides biblical, practical solutions. In addition, Frank was a major contributor to Dr. Jim Garlow’s Well Versed – Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues, and was co-author with Michelle Bachmann and Dr. Garlow on The United Nations Spiritually Understood. He has also authored an analysis for Well Versed ministries entitled The Ubiquity of Governance Throughout the Bible.
Professor Kacer currently serves as the Well Versed ministries Director of Research, Content and Curriculum. He has been married to his wife Lynn for 45 years and has three married children and five grandchildren.